The Panaji police on Friday arrested builder Venkatesh Moni for allegedly failing to clear Rs 7 crore in outstanding land revenue dues.
His arrest comes around eight months after the Principal District Court at Panaji issued an arrest warrant for allegedly failing to adhere to the directives of the Goa Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA).
The regulatory authority mandated the rectification of defects in a commercial building constructed by the developer in Mapusa. Decree holders, who are also the complainants in this case, informed the court about Moni’s failure to fulfil GRERA’s directives.
RERA, through its judgments on 17 March 2022 and 30 November 2022, instructed Moni to pay interest and compensation amounting to approximately Rs 9 crore to the unit holders.
The Principal District Judge, in the arrest warrant against the builder, had then cited the absence of a need for further notice to the judgment debtor, considering that he was given ample time to comply with GRERA’s orders.